ORF523, S20

Convex and Conic Optimization

Spring 2020, Princeton University (graduate course)

This is the Spring 2020 version of this course. See the current version or previous versions.

Useful links

  • Zoom (password has been emailed to registered students)
    • Lectures: Tue/Thu 1:30pm-2:50pm EST. Join here.
      • You can follow live notes during lecture.
    • AI office hours: Mon 4:30pm-6:30pm EST (Bachir) and Wed 4:30pm-6:30pm EST (Jeff). Join here.
    • AAA office hours: Wed 2pm-4pm EST. Join here.
  • Course description
  • Blackboard
  • Piazza (used only for Q&A - you should sign in to Piazza via Blackboard)
  • Download MATLAB
  • Download CVX
  • Download YALMIP



  • Lecture 1: A taste of P and NP: scheduling on Doodle + maximum cliques and the Shannon capacity of a graph.
  • Lecture 2: Mathematical background.
  • Lecture 3: Local and global minima, optimality conditions, AMGM inequality, least squares.
  • Lecture 4: Convex sets and functions, epigraphs, quasiconvex functions, convex hullls, Caratheodory's theorem, convex optimization problems.
    [pdf], [cvx_examples.m]
  • Lecture 5: Separating hyperplane theorems, the Farkas lemma, and strong duality of linear programming.
  • Lecture 6: Bipartite matching, minimum vetex cover, Konig's theorem, totally unimodular matrices and integral polyhedra.
  • Lecture 7: Characterizations of convex functions, strict and strong convexity, optimality conditions for convex problems.
  • Lecture 8: Convexity-preserving rules, convex envelopes, support vector machines.
  • Lecture 9: LP, QP, QCQP, SOCP, SDP.
  • Lecture 10: Some applications of SDP in dynamical systems and eigenvalue optimization.
  • Lecture 11: Some applications of SDP in combinatorial optimization: stable sets, the Lovasz theta function, and Shannon capacity of graphs.
  • Lecture 12: Nonconvex quadratic optimization and its SDP relaxation, the S-Lemma.
  • Lecture 13: Computational complexity in numerical optimization.
  • Lecture 14: Complexity of local optimization, the Motzkin-Straus theorem, matrix copositivity.
  • Lecture 15: Sum of squares programming and relaxations for polynomial optimization.
  • Lecture 16: Robust optimization.
  • Lecture 17: Convex relaxations for NP-hard problems with worst-case approximation guarantees.
  • Lecture 18: Approximation algorithms (ctnd.), limits of computation, concluding remarks.

Problem sets and exams

  • Homework 1: Image compression and SVD, matrix norms, optimality conditions, dual and induced norms, properties of positive semidefinite matrices.
    [pdf], [ArashPouneh.jpg

  • Homework 2: Convex analysis true/false questions, symmetries and convex optimization, distance between convex sets, theory-applications split in a course.
    [pdf], [distance_computation.fig]

  • Practice midterm 1.
    S19: [pdf], S18: [pdf], S17: [pdf].
  • Midterm 1.

  • Homework 3: Support vector machines (Hillary or Bernie?), norms defined by convex sets, totally unimodular matrices, Putting the F in ORFE.
    [pdf], [Hillary_vs_Bernie], [StockData.mat]

  • Homework 4: A nuclear program for peaceful reasons, distance geometry, stability of a pair of matrices, SDPs with rational data and irrational feasible solutions.
  • Homework 5: The Lovasz sandwich theorem, SDP and LP relaxations for the stable set problem, Shannon capacity.
    [pdf], [Graph.mat

  • Practice midterm 2.
    S19: [pdf], S18: [pdf], S17: [pdf], S16: [pdf].

  • Midterm 2.
  • Homework 6: Equivalence of search and decision, complexity of SDP/SOCP feasibility, complexity of rank-constrained SDPs, monotone and convex regression with SOS optimization.
    [pdf], [regression_data.mat

  • Practice final. 
    S19: [pdf], S18: [pdf], S17: [pdf], S16: [pdf].

  • Final exam.