Computing and Optimization
Fall 2015, Princeton University (undergraduate course)
This is the Fall 2015 version of this course. See the most recent version.
Useful links
New: all lecture notes and problems sets of Fall 2015 in one file: [pdf] (currently taken down)
The lecture notes below summarize most of what I cover on the blackboard during class. Please complement them with your own notes.
Some lectures take one class session to cover, some others take two.
- Lecture 1: Let's play two games! (Optimization, P and NP.)
[pdf], [ppt]
- Lecture 2: What you should remember from linear algebra and multivariate calculus.
- Lecture 3: Unconstrained optimization, least squares, optimality conditions.
- Lecture 4: Convex optimization I.
- Lecture 5: Convex optimization II.
- CVX: Basic examples.
- Lecture 6: Applications in statistics and machine learning: LASSO + Support vector machines (SVMs)
- Lecture 7: Root finding and line search. Bisection, Newton, and secant methods.
- Lecture 8: Gradient descent methods, analysis of steepest descent, convergence and rates of convergence, Lyapunov functions for proving convergence.
- Lecture 9: Multivariate Newton, quadratic convergence, Armijo stepsize rule, nonlinear least squares and the Gauss-Newton algorithm.
- Lecture 10: Conjugate direction methods, solving linear systems, Leontief economy.
- Lecture 11: Linear programming: applications, geometry, and the simplex algorithm.
- Lecture 12: Duality + robust linear programming
- Lecture 13: Semidefinite programming + SDP relaxations for nonconvex optimization.
- Lecture 14: A working knowledge of computational complexity theory for an optimizer.
[pdf] - Lecture 15: Discrete optimization at IBM Research, William Pierson Field Lecture, Dr. Sanjeeb Dash (IBM Research).
- Lecture 16: Limits of computation + course recap.
Problem sets and exams
Solutions are posted on Blackboard. Exams are also posted on Blackboard.
- Homework 1: Managing the campaign of Donald Trump, perfect numbers, and a review of linear algebra, multivariate calculus, and MATLAB.
- Homework 2: Image compression and SVD, local and global minima, convex sets.
[pdf], [nash.jpg]
- Homework 3: Convex functions, regression under different penalties, optimality conditions, distance between convex sets.
- Homework 4: Support vector machines (SVMs).
[pdf], [data file]
- Practice Midterm (from Fall 2014)
- Midterm
- Homework 5: Radiation treatment planning, Halloween drama, Newton fractals.
[pdf], [treatment_planning_data.m]
- Homework 6: New gym and movie theater for Princeton, your own square root solver, rates of convergence, Leontief economy and conjugate gradients.
[pdf], [Circledraw.m], [plotgrid.m]
- Homework 7: Orbit of the Earth and daily temperature in NYC + optimal control + linear programming.
[pdf], [TemperatureNewYork.mat]
- Homework 8: End-of-semester party at AAA's + Doodle and scheduling + SDP relaxations + NP-completeness.
[pdf], [Party_people_in_the_house_tonight.mat], [Doodle_matrix.mat]
- Practice Final (from Fall 2014)
- Final exam